Type II Anodizing, also known as Sulfuric Acid Anodizing, uses electrolytic oxidation to create an aluminum oxide surface on an aluminum part. This oxide layer combines buildup on the part’s surface and penetration into the aluminum. The typical ratio of penetration vs. buildup is 70 penetration/30 buildup. The finish gives the part better wear and corrosion resistance and a surface that can be easily colored to fit the application.
Features & Benefits of Type II Anodize
- Increased wear resistance
- Increased corrosion resistance (up to 336 hours of salt spray on a panel)
- Electrical insulation
- Enhanced appearance through the use of colored dyes
- Better paint adhesion
- Enhanced heat dissipation
Typical Industries:
- Medical
- Automotive
- Aftermarket commercial
- Aerospace
- Sporting Goods
- Firearms
- Recreational Products
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