Silver plating has many different uses in an industrial setting. Due to its superior conductivity and corrosion resistance, it can be used as an engineering coating. When used in plating, silver’s conductivity allows for extensive use in electronics and semiconductor industries. It is also used extensively in the aerospace, telecommunications, military, and automotive industries. Silver plating creates a surface that can be soldered and exhibits low electrical resistance; it is also helpful for bearing surfaces and anti-galling applications.
Applications and Specifications of Silver
Silver Finishes offered at Nico:
- Matte
- Semi-Bright
- Several different tarnish-resistant formulations are available depending on your application and needs.
Common Industrial Applications for Silver Plating:
- A surface that can be easily soldered
- Electrical contact characteristics
- High electrical and thermal conductivity
- Thermo compression bonding
- Wear resistance of load-bearing surfaces (anti-galling)
- A spectral reflectivity
- Good corrosion resistance
AMS 2411
AMS 2412
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How can Lindgren Group’s Avtec Finishing Systems and Nico Products Divisions partner with your company for greater success? Between our two facilities, we offer dozens of chemical and electroplating options, Gold Plating and other precious metal plating options, mechanical finishes, and quality systems to support our efforts in providing you with the best Metal Finishing available in the market today. Complete the form below to request a quote.